This is an easy-to-access guide for the most common food terms for cuisines across the globe. If you’re an avid traveler or simply like to explore other cuisines within your local neighborhood, it’s helpful to know some basic food & dining-related words in the cuisine’s local language.
Why learn food terms from other cuisines?
Not all restaurants have simple and clear descriptions of each of their menu items, so that may affect your decision-making when ordering a meal. The last thing you’d want is to miss out on a mind-blowing meal just because it sounded unfamiliar.
Some of you may be asking, “Can’t I just Google the translation of different words?” Yes, of course you can pull out your phone at a restaurant (unless they explicitly say you can’t) and look up specific foreign words you see on a menu right there on the spot. However, already having some level of familiarity with different international food terms just makes life easier, not to mention, it makes you look more sophisticated and cultured.
List of Cuisines
This is an expanding list of cuisines around the world. Some of these cuisines are widespread globally while others may be less accessible (yet worth seeking). To view a list of the most commonly used food terms and translations in their respective native language, click on one of the cuisines below.
Note: After clicking on a cuisine, scroll to the bottom of each list to check out some suggested foods you may want to try as well. 🙂
Familiarize yourself with the various terms of each cuisine for your next trip (even if it’s just to a local restaurant) and notice how your dining experience improves. You may even end up trying a delicious new dish you hadn’t noticed before. Stay cultured and well-fed!
Cheers! Gesondheid 干杯 gān bēi Na zdravi Proost Santé! Prost ΥΓΕΙΑ Sláinte Salute Cin cin 乾杯 Kanpai 건배
į sveikatą Noroc Na zdrowie Saúde Будем здоровы На здоровье Salud Skål Iechyd da Sei gesund
One Response
This is a great article for food lovers. Thanks for sharing it.